Saturday, September 17, 2011

Want to guest post?

Hi Everyone!

I have some apologizing to do. I naively started a series the same week that I also started fall classes, THINKING that I would be able to manage it. Little did I know that I would barely have time to even get on the internet for enjoyment (which is what blogging is for me)! I apologize to anyone who has been waiting for my second post in the "How Does A Play-Based Classroom Teach...?" series. I am still adjusting to my new schedule, and I'm trying to work in a time slot just for blogging. Please bear with me!

On a happier note, I decided to open up the blog for guest posting. If anyone is interested, please let me know. The criteria for posting are pretty basic. Please post something family and (more importantly) child friendly. It should be new material (i.e. not something from your archives).It can be relating to any early childhood education topic: sensory, large/small motor, science, art, block play, dramatic play, or WHATEVER tickles your fancy. If it is relating to an art project, it should be open-ended, process oriented art. The messier the better! So that is my challenge to you! If you're game, let me know!

UPDATE: If you would like to guest post, you may email me at: 


  1. Gina, I would love to. Have a look at my new little blog and see what you think.
    I have active play, craft, open ended art and nature ideas ready to go

  2. Lesley, sounds great! I've been to your blog before, and actually have pinned a few ideas from there. :) Is there any private way to send you my personal email?

  3. Nevermind. You can email me at


Thanks for you comment! Happy playing!