Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bubble Mountains on Aluminum Foil

This week we've been exploring bubbles. 

We practiced different means of making bubbles, used various tools, and made bubble prints indoors and out. But by Friday, the bubble table was getting ignored. Sometimes, all it takes is one small addition to completely change the experience. 

In this case, we added aluminum foil to the bottom of the sensory table...
...along with a thin layer of bubble solution (to help the bubbles stick), cups filled with bubble solution, and bubble wands. Some of the cups are the bottom halves of the plastic water bottles we used to make the bubble snake makers.
The shiny aluminum foil added a new level to the sensory experience.

They dipped their wands in the bubble solution and blew bubbles down into the table.
The bubbles stuck to the aluminum foil and attracted each other to make little bubble mountains.
How's that for science? I originally tried it with wax paper, but the wax paper absorbed the bubble solution, and was ineffective. The aluminum foil worked beautifully.
Because the wands (and little hands) were coated in the bubble solution, they bubbles did not pop when they touched them

Brooklynn tried to pop a bubble, only to find that her finger sunk right through.
Of course, the little containers of bubble solution were dumped out spilled, depleting our supplies of bubble juice. So I brought out the rest of the wands and our plastic bottle bubble snake makers.

What new elements do you like to add to you sensory table?

Happy playing!

1 comment:

  1. i want know how to make bouncing bubble solution please say how to make that



Thanks for you comment! Happy playing!