Sunday, May 22, 2011

Lacing with cereal

We have several options for lacing in the classroom. We have shoe laces and beads. We have lacing cards, and lacing animal shapes. Lacing will strengthen hand-eye coordination and small motor skills. Recently, we've had most of our older 3 year olds move up to the next class, and now have 5 new, younger threes. 

To accommodate my younger threes, I opted for pipe cleaners instead of shoe laces.
Pipe cleaners are sturdier and easier to lace with.
 For fun, I used the left-over cereal from breakfast.
The problem with using food for lacing is the temptation to eat...and keep eating until you have nothing to lace with! So I told the kids they could eat the broken ones, and to save the circles for lacing. This worked out pretty well.
The activity gathered a crowd.

When they were finished lacing, we found out that the short pipe cleaners were too small for bracelets. That was a bummer, but it forced them to get creative. Kamala made "lollipops." :)
These are rattle-snakes.
It was a curious thing...
After everyone was done lacing, I went to go clean the table, and found that all the remaining cereal was missing. The case of the missing cereal is still wide open, but I have my suspicions. 


Happy playing!

1 comment:

  1. Ha - yes, eating is a hazard of using edible materials. Henry was 'allowed' to eat broken ones and the ones that were stuck together. Anytime he see fruity-o's now, he tells me he can eat one because its broken.


Thanks for you comment! Happy playing!