Friday, April 1, 2011

A visit from the fire fighter

Today,we were visited by Dylan's dad, a fire fighter. He brought his gear, and talked about fire safety to the children.

He came, and magically, in the middle of play, toys were put away.
Carpets were taken out.
Children sat waiting.
I wish you could see how captive Robert's attention was. He usually struggles at circle time, but today he remembered to keep his hands to his own body, sit criss-cross apple sauce, and turn on his listening ears. Imagine that!
He discussed what to do in a fire, basic safety rules, and what his suit is for. Honestly, the children were much more interested
in his suit. 

Once he had his full gear on, he allowed the children to touch his suit, bang on it, turn knobs, and ask questions. 
Dylan stands at the front, protective and proud of his daddy's gear.

Assembling the gear
"Here's your helmet, dad!"

of the children were curious. A few were frightened once he put his mask on. I gave them a big hug, and we went to see him

The children talked about it for the rest of the day! It inspired me to break out the fire fighter costumes, and I even found a clear,
plastic hose. I'll put those in house nook next week to see if the children are inspired to put out some fires.

Happy playing!

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